Bari-IQ project


Lifestyle Lodge | Ohakune, New Zealand

Tailor Clinics Retreat Illustration

The motivation and education you need to reach and maintain your weight loss goals starts here

The Bari-IQ Project is a 3 day residential retreat designed for individuals interested in embracing a healthier lifestyle.

This interactive program focuses on self-care and understanding how thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors impact our overall well-being.

Experience a transformative journey that goes beyond weight loss, offering participants true meaning, value, and purpose in their lives.


  • 27 Feb - 3 Mar (Samoa - Advanced and Standard Retreats)

  • 28 Mar - 1 Apr

    New format retreats: (Friday-Sunday)

  • 2 - 4 May

  • 16 - 18 May

  • 4 - 6 Jul

  • 1 - 3 Aug

  • 29 Aug - 31 Aug

  • 19 - 21 Sep

  • 24 - 26 Oct

  • 21 - 23 Nov


Each of the activities and workshops at the retreat has been designed with your success in mind. Whether outside or in the presentation room, we will design effective sessions on a variety of topics including:

  • Self-awareness / emotional well-being

  • Mindful living and eating

  • Goals for weightloss and life

  • Exercise as a part of your daily routine

  • Controlling your food environment

  • Understanding plateaus and weight loss

  • Meditation and breathing exercises

  • Success habits for bariatric surgery patients

read what some of our recent attendees say about their time at retreat

  • Leaving the Retreat, I felt lighter

    Lighter in body and in mind. I had nervously carved a few days of space in my busy life to be a part of what has truly been a game changer in how I feel and think about myself.

  • What was the most significant thing you took away from the Retreat?

    The feeling of belonging to an amazing group of people and the tools to help me with self-care...that the true essence of life begins and ends with self...the total event has made such a shift in my thinking

  • How will this make a difference in your life?

    Being more mindful, practicing self care....some more tools, feel a real part of the SOS family... given me a reason to get up in the mornings, learning I am not a failure....i WILL follow the advice/info given, I will succeed

  • The best part of the Retreat for you was?

    Head stuff, been blocking and self medicating-not anymore...the whole team working together...the SOS team are and show that they are passionate to see us succeed

  • The worst part of the Retreat for you was?

    Waking up at 6 am! ended, it was a fantastic boost...plucking up the courage to go....that the retreat ends today!

You can read more of our attendee’s thoughts and experience here.